Maasmechelen Village | Late Night Shopping

À l'occasion de la fête nationale belge, Maasmechelen Village invite ses visiteurs à vivre une expérience shopping unique les 20 et 21 juillet avec son Late Night Shopping.

Pendant deux soirées consécutives, Maasmechelen Village se transformera en véritable festival de shopping. Au programme :

  • Ouverture étendue jusqu’à 21h
  • DJ sets en live : Plusieurs DJ sets animeront le Village tout au long des soirées. Le samedi 20 juillet, Viktor offrira un DJ set de 18h à 19h sur la Place Michael Kors.
  • Cadeaux à gagner : Tous les visiteurs ayant effectué des achats auront la chance de repartir avec des cadeaux surprises.

Et ce n'est pas tout ! Tout au long de l'été, le Tomorrowland pop-up Store propose les plus belles pièces de la collection du Tomorrowland Store, disponibles en ligne et au festival. Des vêtements les plus raffinés aux accessoires essentiels, tous les goûts sont comblés. Des collaborations exclusives ont la part belle dans la boutique, avec notamment des bougies parfumées Baobab, une collaboration unique avec Ellesse, des enceintes haut de gamme JBL ou encore un partenariat inédit avec Ridley.

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As part of The Bicester Collection, Maasmechelen Village brings together a unique selection of the best European brands for a wide audience from...
Maasmechelen Village

Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site de Maasmechelen Village ou contactez-nous :

Anne-Sophie Mathieu

Anne-Sophie Mathieu

Head of Press Department, top secret communication
Alice Honorez

Alice Honorez

Press Account, top secret communication

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About Maasmechelen Village

As part of The Bicester Collection, Maasmechelen Village brings together a unique selection of the best European brands for a wide audience from Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. The Village offers a vibrant mix of contemporary fashion, international gastronomy, exceptional guest services, and unique collaborations with local and international artists – all in a cozy shopping environment inspired by the historical architecture of the region. Discover an extensive selection of fashion and lifestyle brands at over 100 boutiques, with prices up to 60% below the recommended retail price throughout the year.  

Maasmechelen Village is known for actively supporting everything Belgian. With an exceptional offering of Belgian fashion and lifestyle brands, the best Belgian chocolate boutiques, a typical Belgian brasserie, and an impressive six-meter-high Manneken Pis statue as a mascot. The shopping destination gathers all the key heritage elements of one of the most unique countries in Europe in one place.  

For more information visit   

About The Bicester Collection  

The Bicester Collection is a family of 11 unique shopping destinations in Europe and China, offering guests an exceptional shopping experience and significant commercial value. Operated by Value Retail, the Collection brings together the most discerning guests and the most renowned brands in the world in one place. The Villages are located near some of the most important cities in Europe and China: London, Paris, Milan, Barcelona, Madrid, Dublin, Brussels, Munich, Frankfurt, Shanghai, and Suzhou. The Bicester Collection comprises over 1300 boutiques in total, providing guests with a diverse range of fashion and lifestyle brands, world-famous restaurants, unique pop-ups, and enchanting art installations throughout the year.  

For more information visit